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EagleCals Decal EC#8 Fw190A-8/R-2 of Sturmjäger (Part 2) "Sturmgruppe Udet"

Price: HK$0.00
Code: EC-008
Add to Cart DescriptionPrice
1/72 (+ HK$86.16)
1/48 (+ HK$117.49)

  • “Yellow 17” A-8/R2 Uffz. Willi Ungar
  • “Yellow 3” A-8  Fw. Otfried Baisch
  • “Yellow 1” Fw 190 A-8 
  • “White 1” A-8/R2  Lt. Hans Weik
Based on photos taken late May 1944 in Barth Germany "Yellow 3" Fw190A-8 was flown by pilot Fw. Otfried Baisch, 12./JG 3, W. Nr. Unknown. Note the 21 cm rear firing rocket, wooden VDM propeller which can be modified from D-9 propeller. MG 131 machine guns removed and gun troughs faired over. Bolt-on 5mm 3 piece armor plate on fuselage; 30 mm glass blinkers on canopy but no extra windscreen armored glass panels.
Availability: [In Stock]
Weight: 0.02 kg
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