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EagleCals Decal EC#38 Bf109G-5/G-6 of JG54 & JG51

EagleCals Decal EC#38 Bf109G-5/G-6 of JG54 & JG51
EC038.jpg EC038_decal1.jpg EC038_decal2.jpg
Price: ILS$0.00
Code: EC-038
Add to Cart DescriptionPrice
1/72 (+ ILS$40.93)
1/48 (+ ILS$55.81)
1/32 (+ ILS$65.12)

  • “Yellow 1” G-6  Oblt. Wilhelm Schilling
  • “Yellow 11”  G-5  Fw. Ungar, Fw. Hecker and Fw Gerhard Kroll
  • “White 1”  G-6  Oblt. Rudolf Klemm
  • “White 7”  G-6  Elias Kuhlein
Availability: [In Stock]
Weight: 0.02 kg
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