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EagleCals Decal EC#148 P-61A Black Widow - 422nd NFS

EagleCals Decal EC#148 P-61A Black Widow - 422nd NFS
EC148.JPG EC148_decal1.JPG EC148_decal2.jpg
Price: US$0.00
Code: EC-148
Add to Cart DescriptionPrice
1/72 (+ US$12.50)
1/32 (+ US$18.50)

"With the release of the 1/32nd scale Hobby Boss Black Widow and some additional research it is apparent that the kit is much closer to a P-61A than a P-61B as boxed. Buy trimming a small portion of the forward fuselage off, an easy conversion for the modeler, a fairly accurate P-61A can result. Consequently, we have scaled up our earlier P-61A markings in 1/72nd and 1/48th scales to 1/32nd scale for this exciting new release from Hobby Boss."
In March 1944 the men of the 422nd NFS departed Florida destined for England.  On 23 May 1944 the first P-61 arrived at their base at Scorton. After a period of training in their new nightfighter, the 422nd NFS became operational shortly after D-Day. By the end of hostilities, just under one year later, the 422nd NFS had claimed 43 aircraftand 5 V-1s as destroyed. This decal sheet identifies three of their aircraft.
  • "Borrowed Time" P-61A-5-NO 42-5547
  • "Double Trouble" P-61A-10-NO 42-5565
  • "Lady Gen" P-61A-5-NO 42-5544
Availability: [In Stock]
Weight: 0.02 kg
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