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Hasegawa 09813 1/48 Mitsubishi A6M7 Zero Fighter Type 62

Hasegawa 09813 1/48 Mitsubishi A6M7 Zero Fighter Type 62
Price: CAD$32.83
Code: HA-09813

Type 62 was the official designation for the fighter-bomber version of the Zero. Type 62 was capable of carrying standard drop tanks under each wing, & the tail structure as strengthened to endure the stresses of dive bombing. The 1st Type 62 was completed in February 1945.
  • New Plastic Parts: Bombs & Drop Tanks
  • <Decal by Cartograf> 
Size/Weight: 34 x 19 x 5.5 cm / 320g
Availability: [In Stock]
Weight: 0.32 kg
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